Youth Awarness Day "International Youth Day"

To ensure the youth about the position they hold on society, country & even in this world, like wise to let them know how much the world except from today's youths such that to make them realise their importance to this world .And lastly making them aware

This grand message giving program was started at 10:00am.This rally began from Bus Park & being the youth program there were mass involvement of youth from more than 5 youth young & 5 Rotaract Club from Butwal Dinesh Joshi, President FPAN Butwal was chairperson of the program & likewise Rtr. Yuvraj Dhakal Rotaract Butwal South, Rtr. Roshan Pandey Rac Butwal, Rtr. Baburam Banjade Rac Butwal Downtown, Rtr Hari Neupane Rac Rupandehi, Rtr Narayan Poudel RAC LBC, Rtr Yadhav Bhattrai Rotaract Pormotion Officer, Umesh Shrestha Leo Club of Butwal, President LEO Club of Tillotoma, President Unity Boys & President IPFS Rupandehi were guest of the program . International Trames gave valuable speech & ideas that brings positive changes in thinking of youths. Nearly 250 youths participated the program.
